Sarah Ann Vawer
Birth Certificate Details

Owing to Copyright law, we are unable to present a scan of the certificate,
The information below however has been extracted and accurately represented below.

Registration District
1843 Birth in the Sub-district of
in the
Bishopwearmouth North
County of Durham
Certificate Number 68
When and Where Born Twentieth October 1843
Johnson Street
Name, if any Sarah Ann
Sex Girl
Name and surname of father James Vawer
Name, surname and
maiden surname of mother
Bridget Vawer
formerly Coakley
Occupation of father Cratemaker and Sawyer

description and
residence of informant
The Mark of
X Bridget Vawer,
Johnson Street
When Registered Sixteenth of November 1843
Signature of registrar Johnathan Dunn, Registrar

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