Herbert Vawer had no natural siblings. His parents did however have two adopted children. Details are not provided here because of links to living people.
The following extract is from "Woden Magazine" of the Summer of 1968. In it is an article entitled "Wednesfield High School in the Thirties" which contains the following paragraph as part of a fascinating account.
Mr. Hatcher, who was secondmaster and later Deputy Head from 1931 until his retirement, one remembers for his immaculate dress and dignified bearing. In the thirties he sometimes deputised for the Head and always rose to the occasion. I recall one particular instance when a boy named H. A. Vawer had been tragically killed in a road accident. P.R.H. took prayers on the morning following and made a most moving and impressive little speech expressing sorrow and at the same time combining this with an appeal for care on the roads.